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繼《出貓特攻隊》、《大佬可以退貨嗎?》後,又一衝出國際「泰」深情傑作,矚目入選鹿特丹影展!設計師阿靜(Aokbab 飾)受風靡新世代的簡約風影響,決心打造空間感十足的家居。在進行大掃除期間,阿靜對多樣舊物與其封存的回憶都隨意捨棄,只有前男友(Sunny 飾)遺下的舊相機令她份外揪心。阿靜對自己當年不辭而別耿耿於懷,決定親手把這相機歸還給前男友,讓自己有機會彌補遺憾,但重整人生不如重整家居,原來唯獨感情難以輕言斷捨離⋯⋯
Press Kit :

Jean wants to convert her house into a home office and she needs to majorly declutter and reorganise her entire house. Anything that has been lying around unused, she just simply throws all. However, Jean faces a great challenge when she comes across some items that belonged to Aim, her ex-boyfriend. Although she has no use for the items, each one reminds her of a story that brings back memories, along with unresolved feelings that cannot be easily discarded by just dumping them into the garbage bag. Jean has to decide what to do with Aim’s stuff. Should she just throw everything, keep everything, or return the items to their rightful owner to clear them completely from her house and her heart?

電影資料 Film Info
片名 Film title : 《無痛斷捨離》Happy Old Year
片種 Genre:劇情 Drama
導演 Director : 納華普譚容格坦拿列Nawapol Thamrongrattanarit
演員 Cast : 茱蒂蒙翠莎容素欣  (Aokbab)、桑尼舒雲門塔諾 (Sunny)
片長 Duration : 114分鐘 / 114 mins
級別 Category : IIA
語言 Language : 泰語(中英文字幕) / Thai (Chinese and English subtitles)
上映日期 Release date : 2020-03-26

