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《日間演奏會散場時》(At the End of the Matinee) 即將於香港上映

《神探伽俐略2 : 真夏方程式》賣座導演西谷弘
《日間演奏會散場時》(At the End of the Matinee) 即將於香港上映
轉載自: Star.StarphotoJolly的今日星蹤, 查看全部相片請前往:

古典吉他演奏家蒔野聰史 (福山雅治 飾) 在一次演出後邂逅了駐巴黎記者小峰洋子(石田百合子 飾),兩人一見如故卻匆匆告別。即使地理之隔、災難之中,心靈契合的二人都在有意無意之間擦肩而過。直至蒔野終於勇敢向洋子訴說愛意時,洋子卻已是別人的未婚妻......。實際只見過三次面的陌生人,卻認定對方就是此生摯愛,人生若只如初見,愛在演奏會散場時,他們的一天就是永恆。改編自同名暢銷小說,原著作者平野啓一郎23歲即拿下文壇最高榮譽芥川賞,被譽為「三島由紀夫再世」。

The story begins with the meeting of classical guitarist Satoshi Makino and female journalist Yoko Komine. They are both in their 40’s, a unique and delicate time in their lives… They are drawn to each other from the start, but Yoko is engaged to be married. Their jobs take them all over the globe. Powerless against the tides of time, missed opportunities and unexpected obstacles bring their relationship to an end. Memories of each other are locked deep in their hearts as they continue on separate paths. Will fate ever bring them back together again…?

