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《鬼船瑪莉號》(Mary) 6月4日上映

奧斯卡影帝《黑暗對峙》加利奧文 再現懾人演技
《奪命狂鯊》鬼才編劇 心寒力作
《鬼船瑪莉號》(Mary) 64日上映
轉載自: Star.StarphotoJolly的今日星蹤, 查看全部相片請前往:

《黑暗對峙》奧斯卡影帝加利奧文聯同《奪命狂鯊》鬼才編劇打造最心寒力作。大衛(加利奧文 飾演)一擲千金投得古船「瑪莉號」,希望帶著妻子(艾美莉莫添瑪 飾演)和兩個女兒出海,享受生活。誰知道美好假期的背後,竟暗藏鬼船傳說?﹗兇猛邪靈現身迷惑人心,令船上的人逐漸失去理智,最後消失於茫茫大海中… 難道每個登上鬼船的幸福家庭,都註定逃不過萬惡凶靈?

In the vein of “The Conjuring” meets “Dead Calm”, David (Gary Oldman), is a struggling blue-collar captain and maritime expert, who is looking to make a better life for his family-- his wife Sarah and their two daughters, teenage Lindsey and 8-year-old Mary. Strangely drawn to a 70-year-old auction ship whose mysterious origins may be older still, David convinces Sarah that the boat can be their ticket to happiness and prosperity, something they desperately need in their lives. But soon after they embark on their journey, strange and frightening events begin to terrorize David and his family, causing them to turn on one another. With tensions high, the ship drifts off course, and it becomes horrifyingly clear that the family is being lured to an even greater evil waiting for them at sea.

電影資料 Film Info
導演 Director : Michael Goi
演員 Cast : 加利奧文、艾美莉莫添瑪 Gary Oldman, Emily Mortimer
片長 Duration : 85分鐘 mins
級別 Category : IIB

