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勇奪日本電影開畫NO.1!人氣女神有村架純與《你的名字。》神木隆之介四度合作,《永遠的0》人氣作家百田尚樹奇幻小說浪漫改編,《閃爍的青春》、《寵愛情人夢》導演三木孝浩再譜深情戀曲。自幼痛失家人的慎一郎(神木隆之介 飾),一直過著孑然一身的生活。他擁有「福爾圖娜之瞳」– 一種預見他人死期的神秘能力;每當他看到某人的身體變得透明時,那人便會快將死亡。慎一郎為此異能而痛苦不已,直至葵(有村架純 飾)的出現,他孤獨暗淡的人生終於開始添上光彩。正當二人計劃幸福的未來,慎一郎卻看見身邊的人們漸漸變得透明起來,包括心愛的葵…… 戀人死期,預見眼前,你會愛在當下,還是頑抗命定?
"Fortuna" – goddess of fate. Those who are "gifted" with Fortuna's Eye have the unenviable power to see through people who are about to die.
The film is based on the novel "Fortuna's Eye" by Naoki Hyakuta, author of the blockbusters "The Eternal Zero" and "Fueled: The Man They Called "Pirate." It is a beautiful, but heartbreaking love story about a young man with the mysterious gift of "sight" – Fortuna's Eye -- who fights to defy destiny when confronted with the impending death of the only woman he loves. Ryunosuke Kamiki, the talented 25-year-old actor with a 20-year career takes on the lead role of Shinichiro Kiyama. His other credits include "BAKUMAN" and "your name." (voice). The popular Kasumi Arimura of "Flying Colours" and the TV series "Hiyokko" plays the heroine Aoi Kiryu. Directing the film is Takahiro Miki, master of coming-of-age films, whose credits include "BLUE SPRING RIDE" and "My tomorrow, Your yesterday."
電影資料 Film Info
片名 Film title : 《命運之瞳》Fortuna’s Eyes
片種 Genre:劇情 / Drama
導演 Director : 三木孝浩 / Takahiro Miki
主演 Cast : 神木隆之介、有村架純 / Ryunosuke Kamiki, Kasumi Arimura
片長 Duration : TBC
級別 Category : TBC
語言 Language : 日語 (中英文字幕) / Japanese, with Chinese and English subtitles
上映日期 Release date : 2019-10-31


