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2023 Special Olympics Unity Fundraising Gala Dinner
Promotes Inclusion in Hong Kong
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國際特奥會首席執行官瑪麗·戴維斯說:「融合運動是特殊奥林匹克近年來首推的項目之一,我們鼓勵智力障礙和非智力障礙人群在同一片場地上進行體育活動,推動互相溝通與理解,共同傳播對智障人士接納、包容、尊重的理念。」 戴維斯女士表示,「我們未来會邀請更多新鮮血液加入特奥,吸引年輕一代的特奥粉絲,鼓勵他們用自己的方式方法更好地推廣特殊奥林匹克運動。」
Hong Kong, December 6 – Today, the 2023 Special Olympics Unity Fundraising Gala Dinner was successfully held at the Regents Grand Ballroom in Kowloon, Hong Kong. The Gala was hosted by Special Olympics East Asia (SOEA) and received strong support from Special Olympics Hong Kong (SOHK), Rockcheck Group, and Gaw Capital. In 2023, SOHK assisted to organize a series of meaningful events, including the Special Olympics Regional Leadership Council (RLC) meeting, Regional Bocce Competition, Charity Golf Tournament, and Law Enforcement Torch Run, benefiting numerous Special Olympics athletes and families. Wai Cheuk-in, an artistic gymnast from Hong Kong, won the first gold medal for SOEA at the 2023 Special Olympics World Summer Games in Berlin, adding glory to the region.
The purpose of this Gala is to bring together compassionate individuals from all sectors of society to engage in a charity auction and raise funds for Special Olympics public welfare projects. These funds will provide a diversified development platform for individuals with intellectual disabilities, thereby enhancing an atmosphere of acceptance, equality, and respect throughout society and helping the special needs community to enjoy freedom, dignity, health, and happiness. Representatives from several SOEAs Programs and supporters from all walks of life gathered to support this event. The funds raised at this Gala will be used for important projects adhering to Special Olympics Internationals strategic plans to support the development of Special Olympics movement in the East Asia region.
Igniting the Spark of Charity, Merging Love and Inclusion
Ms. Mary Davis, CEO of Special Olympics International, Dr. Shi Derong, Special Olympics Board Member, Ms. Yang Lan, Special Olympics Board Member and Global Ambassador, Ms. Zhang Junting, Representative of SOEA Senior Advisory Council (SAC) and Executive Chair and President of Rockcheck Group, especially traveled to Hong Kong to attend the Gala. Also in attendance were Special Olympics Global Ambassadors Li Na, Yang Yang, Zou Shiming and his spouse Ran Yingying, Friend of Special Olympics, Li Xiaopeng and his spouse Li Anqi, Zheng Haixia, a member of the China Basketball Hall of Fame, Ms. Christina Gaw, Managing Principal and Global Head of Gaw Capital Partners, as well as former Hong Kong outstanding athletes Wong Kam-po, Alex Fong, and Kevin Chu, and so on.
Mary Davis, CEO of Special Olympics International, remarked, Unified Sports is one of the projects that Special Olympics has promoted in recent years. We encourage people with and without intellectual disabilities to participate in sports activities on the same field, promoting communication, understanding, and spreading the concept of acceptance, inclusion, and respect for people with intellectual disabilities. Ms. Davis then stated, In the future, we will invite more new blood to join Special Olympics, attract young fans, and encourage them to promote the Special Olympics movement in their unique ways.
The Gala began with a saxophone performance by Sit Chi-yan, a young man with autism and SOHK athlete, determined to bringing joy to the world through music, accompanied by his mentor. Following that, Liu Mingkang, a Yamaha Future Artist, and renowned violinist Wang Weizhi, performed a fusion piece of piano and violin. The piano chords and the violin melodies echoed each other, and the lively notes captivated the audience. Under the power of fusion, a touching musical feast reached its climax.
本次慈善晚宴共籌得 2,245,000港幣的善款,拍賣所得包括來自愛心人士和企業的20件珍貴拍品。今年的拍賣晚宴拍品豐富多彩,數量眾多,為特奥慈善事業注入了無盡的活力和希望。拍品包括香港特殊奥運會運動員司徒志朗創作的繪畫《前方未來的紅翼天使》、台灣知名演員及企業家謝玲玲創作的《清流》、大師扎西蘭加的唐卡《黄財神》、陳耿龍的漢白玉《南無大願地藏王菩薩》雕塑、 「奥林匹克環球行第一人」侯琨捐贈的北京2022年冬奥會火炬、新晉特奥全球形象大使周冠宇的簽名賽實頭盔、中華台北藝術家及詩人蔣友梅創作的水墨畫作品《菩提心》、中國籃協捐贈的女籃國家隊簽名籃球、李寧乒乓奥運限量版禮盒(包含馬龍球員版戰袍和親筆簽名球拍)、NBA中國捐贈的字母哥簽名球衣、當当代著名畫家吴宜恩的作品、曼城足球俱樂部球員凱文德·布勞內簽名球衣、資深藏家陳威德的古玉鐲等。此外,特奥幼兒運動員計劃與特奥運動員健康計劃也受到踴躍認捐。
Gathering Together to Set Sail for the Journey of Inclusion
The Gala raised a total of HK$2,245,000 Hong Kong dollars, including proceeds from 20 precious auction items donated by philanthropists and corporate supporters. This years Gala featured a large quantity and a wide variety of auction items, instilling endless vitality and hope into Special Olympics charitable cause. The auction items included a painting titled Red-winged Angel Looking Forward to the Future created by Special Olympics athlete Szeto Chi Long Ron, a painting Streams of Purity by renowned Taiwanese actor and entrepreneur Ms. Lynn Hsieh, a Thang-ka painting titled Yellow Wealth Deity by master Zaxi Langjia, a Han White Jade Sculpture, Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva by Chen Genglong, a Beijing 2022 Winter Olympics torch donated by Hou Kun, a signed racing helmet by newly appointed Special Olympics Global Ambassador Zhou Guanyu, an ink painting titled Bodhicitta by Chinese Taipei/London artist and poet Chiang Yomei, a Basketball Signed by the China National Womens Basketball Team, a Li Ning table tennis Olympics limited edition gift box (including Ma Long's player version jersey and a signed racket), a signed jersey by NBA player Giannis Sina Ugo Antetokounmpo donated by NBA China, an artwork by contemporary renowned artist Wu Yien, Kevin De Bruynes signed shirt from Manchester City Football Club, a white jade milk nail pattern bracelet by senior collector Chen Weide, etc. In addition, Special Olympics Young Athletes Program and Special Olympics Healthy Athletes Program also received enthusiastic donations.
Gathering Strength, Exploring Infinite Potential for the Next 55 Years
During the Special Olympics Unified experience event held in the morning, Ms. Mary Davis, CEO of Special Olympics International, along with several SAC members, personally experienced the figure skating training of Special Olympics athletes and cheered them on. All the guests witnessed the limitless passion and skills displayed by the athletes on the ice, deeply feeling the unique charm of Unified Sports. At noon, they gathered at iBakery, an athlete-operated restaurant for lunch. In a warm and joyful atmosphere, everyone had friendly exchanges with the athletes, sharing their stories and testimonies. In the afternoon, SOEA leaders and representatives also attended the Special Olympics Senior Advisory Committee (SAC), brainstorming and looking forward to the future.
Though the grand event of the day has passed, as the Special Olympics movement surpasses the milestone of its first 55 years, there are still many anticipated chapters waiting to be written. Special Olympics is a lifelong mission, and each edition of the Games witnesses the athletes resilience and courage, as well as the unity and support of the global community. Through the principles of inclusion, integration, and equality, Special Olympics constantly exceeds boundaries and breaks prejudices. Special Olympics will uphold its original intention and beliefs, continue to create unified stories, and bring more inspiration and enlightenment to the world, working together to create a more inclusive and better future.
Special thanks to Tianjin Rockcheck Group, Gaw Capital, Shanghai Charity Foundation, Coca-Cola China, Chinese Basketball Association, Li Ning Company, and NBA China for their strong support for this event!
Dynamic Network Alliances Limited is the PR partner for this event.


