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陳可辛導演 鞏俐、黃渤主演
轉載自: Star.StarphotoJolly的今日星蹤, 查看全部相片請前往:

北京2008女排比賽,中國VS美國。當時身為美國隊教練的郎平(鞏俐 飾),賽場上重遇昔日並肩作戰的好友中國隊教練(黃渤 飾);這對相交30年的好友變成了對手,誰勝誰負都成為觀眾關注的焦點。


With glorious days from five consecutive championships in the 1980s, the Women's National Volleyball Team of China had transcended the conventional definition of sports in the hearts of Chinese people. When the Chinese team was pitted against the US team led by Lang Ping at the 2008 Beijing Volleyball Game, everyone knew that it was a match that China could not lose, and certainly could not afford to lose. Defeated, the Chinese team plunged into the deepest abyss in three decades.  As Lang Ping returned to her country to coach the team, many mused aloud as to whether China's Women's National Volleyball Team would be able to retrieve lost grounds. 
The film recounts the ups and downs, the sweat and sacrifice of the team over the past four decades.  While the team’s persistence and teamwork became a national inspiration and collective memory in the 80s, whether the team spirit can be passed down to the new generation as China goes through rapid changes?
Featuring some of her best-known songs, including the timeless classic ‘Over the Rainbow’, JUDY celebrates the voice, the capacity for love and the sheer pizzazz of “the world’s greatest entertainer”.

電影資料 Film Info
片名 Film title : 《奪冠》( 原名《中國女排》)
片種 Genre:劇情 Drama
導演 Director : 陳可辛 Peter Ho-sun Chan
演員 Cast : 鞏俐、黃渤、吳剛、彭昱暢、白浪、中國女子排球隊 / Gong Li, Huang Bo, Wu Gang, Peng Yuchang, Bai Lang, Chinas Womens Volleyball Team
片長 Duration : TBA
級別 Category : TBA
語言 Language : 普通話 (中英文字幕) / Mandarin (Chinese and English subtitles)
上映日期 Release date :

