


日本開畫冠軍   年度笑死人冇命賠瘋狂喜劇   26粒超豪華巨星
廣瀨鈴 X 吉澤亮 X 堤真一 X 佐藤健 X 妻夫木聰
轉載自: Star.StarphotoJolly的今日星蹤, 查看全部相片請前往:
野畑七瀨(廣瀨鈴 飾)在樂團中擔任主唱,非常討厭老豆(堤真一 飾)的她經常Fing頭大唱「老豆去死啦」,點知願望竟然成真?老豆的製藥公司意外研發「假死兩天藥」,他親身試藥成功假死!公司內奸乘機串通外敵,想令他「假死」變「真死」!零存在感員工 (吉澤亮 飾)嘗試說服七瀨放下對老豆的憎恨、聯手阻止陰謀,他們最後能否成功令老豆唔駛死完又死?
Angst-ridden college student, Nanase Nobata (Suzu Hirose), lives with her father, Hakaru, president of the Nobata Pharmaceutical Company, resentful of his constant nagging about her life, and for being so absorbed in his work. While developing a revolutionary "reverse aging" drug, Hakaru's team discovered a drug that causes temporary death, followed by full recovery in 2 days. Hakaru had been persuaded to take the drug in an attempt to expose a corporate spy planted in his company by a rival firm looking to merge with Nobata and capitalize on the anti-aging formula. When Hakaru drops dead, it sets the company in an uproar as his will names Nanase as the new president. She soon learns the truth about her father's condition and the spy from Matsuoka (Ryo Yoshizawa), a young employee in the company. Together with Matsuoka and the actual ghost of Hakaru, Nanase endeavors to prevent her father's enemies from prematurely cremating his body before the drug can wear off and allow him to revive.
電影資料 Film Info
片名 Film title : 《老豆死開一陣先》Not Quite Dead Yet
片種 Genre:喜劇Comedy、奇幻Fantasy
導演 Director : 濱崎慎治Shinki HAMASAKI
演員 Cast : 廣瀨鈴、吉澤亮、堤真一、妻夫木聰、佐藤健、Lily Franky (Suzu HIROSE, Ryo YOSHIZAMA, Shinichi TSUTSUMI, Satoshi TSUMABUKI, Takeru SATOH, Lily Franky)
片長 Duration : 92分鐘 / mins
級別 Category : IIA
語言 Language : 日語 (中英文字幕) / Japanese (Chinese and English subtitles)
上映日期 Release date : 2020-10-22


